Our Other Business: Archetypal Entries

Mission Statement

To hold space and facilitate an opening process for clients to turn toward and learn from the contents of their psyches. To tend the soul of the world.

Laura’s Exploring Frontiers SoulCollage® card: I am the one who shines a light toward new thresholds to cross and new lands to explore.

Laura’s Exploring Frontiers SoulCollage® card: I am the one who shines a light toward new thresholds to cross and new lands to explore.

SoulCollage® Classes

SoulCollage® is an expressive arts practice done individually or in community. You create a personal deck of 5x8 inch collaged cards that can be separated into five or more suits, as described by Seena Frost. A person can read their cards using the “I Am the One Who” active imagination prompt: you imagine what the images on the cards may say, and in that way, you can listen to their inner wisdom as it projects into your consciousness through the images and your own imagination and intuition. Only trained SoulCollage® facilitators can teach classes.

Classes are held in a forested setting in Rhododendron, Oregon

Classes are held in a forested setting in Rhododendron, Oregon

Upcoming Events

Do you have a decision to make or an inner conflict? Do your dreams seem to be sending you a message? How do you listen to your inner voice and find your true self? Images are the key, the shortcut to the inner treasures of our psyches. Archetypes are patterns that can help us understand our feelings, questions, conflicts, and concerns. They are guides from beyond or within. Activities such as SoulCollage®, Tarot, and working with mythology are doorways to that imaginal realm of wisdom.

Laura’s SoulCollage® card representing the Strength/Lust major arcana Tarot card

Laura’s SoulCollage® card representing the Strength/Lust major arcana Tarot card

Tarot Readings

The Tarot deck is an imaginal Hero’s Journey and tool for insight and divination. Laura has been studying and reading Tarot for over 25 years. Personal readings are available through Zoom or in-person locally. Laura’s approach is intuitive and imaginal.